Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Amblyopia also known as lazy eye is a kind of impaired eyesight that affects only one eye. It occurs when there is a disruption in the way the brain and the eye operate together, and the brain is unable to detect sight from one eye. Over time, the brain becomes increasingly dependent on the other, stronger eye, while vision in the weaker eye deteriorates. Because the stronger eye functions better, it is referred to as "lazy eye." People with amblyopia, on the other hand, are not lazy, and they have no control over how their eyes operate.

Amblyopia develops during childhood and is the most prevalent cause of visual loss in children. It affects up to three out of every hundred children. The good news is that early therapy is effective and often prevents long-term visual issues.


Doctors aren't always sure what's causing certain cases of amblyopia. Among the possible causes are:

  • Refractive errors

One eye may be significantly more focused than the other. The opposite eye may be near-sighted or farsighted. It might also have astigmatism (distorted or blurry vision). When your brain receives both a fuzzy and a clear vision, it begins to disregard the blurry one.

  • Cataracts

A cloudy lens within your eye might cause objects to appear blurred. The eyesight in that eye may not grow normally.

  • Strabismus

This occurs when your eyes do not line up properly. One could enter or exit. Strabismus is a condition in which a person's eyes cannot concentrate on the same picture at the same time, causing them to see double. The image from the misaligned eye will be ignored by your brain.

The following are signs and symptoms of Amblyopia (lazy eye):

  • Squinting or closing one's eyes
  • An inner or outward wandering of the eye
  • Inadequate depth perception
  • Anomalies in eyesight screening test results
  • Eyes that do not seem to cooperate
  • Tilting the head

Risk factors

The following factors have been linked to an increased incidence of lazy eye:

  • Premature childbirth
  • A history of lazy eye in the family
  • Disabilities in development

Early diagnosis is critical, preferably before the age of six. This is not always easy since the youngster frequently does not know there is a problem. If there is an issue, the doctor may advise you to bring your child to an eye doctor. Make an appointment with a pediatric eye doctor if you suspect something is amiss with your child's eyesight, even if nothing is revealed by the vision test. You can drop by to our shop at Malaya Optical Optometrist  if you just nearby Petaling Jaya area to check your child’s eyes or your eyes. If you interested to wear contact lenses, you can just purchase contact lenses online through our website at

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