
What is Color Blindness?

contact lens

What is Color Blindness?

Color blindness is a condition in which you view colours differently than most people. Color blindness makes it difficult to distinguish between different colors most of the time. Color blindness usually runs in families. Although there is no cure, special glasses and contact lenses can aid in the treatment. The majority of colour blind people can adapt and do not have difficulty with daily activities.  We go over the various types of colour blindness and the new and upcoming treatments for the illness. What is Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) Color vision deficiency (CVD) affects people's ability to perceive colours in...

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How to Keep Children's Eyes Safe

How to Keep Children's Eyes Safe

Nowadays, children and technology are almost inseparable. Children spend a significant amount of their day, whether for educational or leisure uses, looking at the LED screens of computers, tablets, smartphones, and other digital gadgets. Screens are known to cause blurriness, visual tiredness, and dry eyes in adults (since you don't blink as much while you're gazing at a screen). In terms of children, as shown in a 2014 US survey, 80% of 10- to 17-year-olds reported itchy, weary eyes or burning after using mobile devices, and most research indicates that visual symptoms worsen after two to four hours of daily use....

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Glaucoma is a set of eye diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve, which is essential for normal vision. An unusually high pressure in your eye is frequently the source of this injury. For adults over the age of 60, glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness. It may happen at any age, although it is more frequent in elderly people. The fluid inside your eye, known as aqueous humors, generally exits through a mesh-like tube. If this duct becomes clogged, or if the eye produces too much fluid, the liquid accumulates. Experts aren't always sure what's...

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Best of Astigmatism Contact Lenses

Best of Astigmatism Contact Lenses

Astigmatism is a condition in which the pupil of your eye isn't perfectly round. An eyeball should be formed like a completely round ball. It lets light in and bends it evenly, giving you a clean vision. Light bends more in one way than the other if your eye is formed like a football. This indicates that only a portion of an object is in focus. Things may appear hazy and wavy from afar. With Biofinity toric's approximately 33,000 parameter choices, you can give vision correction for 99.9% of your patients with astigmatism. OptiExpert™ is an essential tool for your practice,...

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Best of Dry Eye Contact Lenses

Best of Dry Eye Contact Lenses

When you have dry eye syndrome, your eyes don't generate enough tears or can't keep a regular coating of tears on your eyes. Bacterial infections may develop in your eyes, or the surface of your eyes may become inflamed, resulting in corneal scarring. Dry eye condition virtually seldom results in permanent vision loss, despite how painful it is. Bausch and Lomb have given the computer age problem of displays and inflamed eyes some serious attention. The reality is that as civilization progresses, we spend more time staring at screens, therefore creating contact lenses that alleviate the symptoms of less blinking...

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