What's the difference between an Eye Exam and a Contact Lens Exam?

contact lens

For perfect vision while using contact lenses, exams for contact lenses are required.

A routine eye exam differs from a contact lens examination. A contact lens exam is required for contact lens wearers to ensure that the lenses fit both eyes properly and that the contact lenses do not affect the eyes' health.

Let's learn about typical eye exams before we go into what happens during a contact lens exam.

What is an Enhanced Eye Exam?

Whether you require vision correction or not, a regular eye checkup is a significant aspect of maintaining your general health. Your doctor can check for indicators of significant health issues like hypertension and diabetes by looking into your eyes.

Your eye doctor will search for indicators of glaucoma, perform tests to assess your vision sharpness, determine the strength of your prescription, analyse how your eyes operate together, and check the fluid pressure in your eyes during a full eye exam. She may also expands your pupils to check for any eye problems or indicators of other major health problems. 

What is the purpose of a contact lens examination?

You'll need a contact lens exam in addition to a thorough eye check if you wear or want contacts. During a contact lens checkup, your eye doctor will run special analysis to check your vision with contacts. The initial evaluation will establish what size and type of contacts are ideal for you by measuring your eye surface. Your doctor may also perform a tear film examination to ensure that you have enough tears to wear contacts pleasantly.

Your eye doctor can prescribe contact lenses that are the best fit for your eyes based on the results of those tests. Because the two are so dissimilar, an eyeglass prescription is not a substitute for a contact lens test.

A contact lens prescription evaluates lenses that put it directly on the surface of the eye, whereas an eyeglass prescription measures lenses that are positioned around 12 millimetres from your eyes. Contact lenses that are not properly fitted or prescribed might harm the health of the eyes.

After you've determined your contact fit and prescription, you'll need to pick whether you want disposable or extended-wear contacts, as well as if you want coloured contacts.

Your doctor will fit you with a set of trial contacts that you will wear for a few days. You'll need a follow-up checkup in approximately a week to ensure you've adjusted to your new lenses. It's a great idea to get an annual eye exam whether you wear glasses or contacts to evaluate if you have any new or existing vision problems or if you need vision correction.

Let's book an appointment with Malaya Optical Optometrist and get your full consultation with them!


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