Future Vision: What is the Modern Culture do to our eyes?

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The way we utilize our eyes has altered dramatically over the course of a single lifetime. We now spend much of our time looking at objects that emit artificial light and are located in front of us at a short, fixed distance. Screens are the objects in question, and they can now be found on everything from laptops to phones to refrigerators. But what effect do all of these screens have on our vision?

There is strong evidence that too much time spent staring at devices is harmful to our eyes. Increased screen time owing to the COVID-19 pandemic has already had a negative influence on our eye health. According to the survey, 49 percent of respondents have increased their screen usage since the outbreak began, with more than a third stating that their eyesight has deteriorated.

Computer Vision Syndrome
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), often known as digital eye strain, is a collection of symptoms caused by excessive use of computer screens and time spent staring at them.

By staring at screens for lengthy periods of time without taking a break, we increase our chances of developing CVS and causing long-term vision loss. Blurred vision, headaches, and dry eyes are common symptoms, all of which make it more difficult to gaze at displays and cause eye strain. 

What could happen to our eyes in the long run if we spend more time looking at screens, both at home and at work?

Keeping Your Vision Safe
Fortunately, there are numerous strategies to reduce the detrimental consequences of excessive screen usage.
It is critical, first and foremost, to take breaks. The 20.20.20 rule is effective and simple to remember: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break from your screen and focus your attention on anything 20 meters away.

Keep your eyes moist at all times. We often forget to blink when we stare at screens for too long. Our eyes become much drier as a result of the decreased blinking. Looking away from your computer screen on a regular basis allows you to blink more while also giving your eyes a rest. Eye drops, on the other hand, are a terrific way to keep your eyes from drying out.

Another approach is to filter the light from your screen with special blue light glasses. Blue light glasses shield your eyes from damaging blue light, which can create screen blurriness and make it difficult to concentrate, resulting in eye strain, headaches, and fatigue. Blue light glasses can be worn on their own or in conjunction with prescription lenses.

To shield your eyes from the strong artificial light, try lowering the screen brightness and glare. Most devices include easy-to-use brightness controls, and filters may be downloaded or physically added to your screens to soften the light even further.

Other options include maintaining a comfortable distance between the screen and your eyes, as well as raising font size or zooming in if you're having trouble reading.

It's also crucial to obtain regular eye exams to keep any changes in your vision from going unrecognized, as well as to wear any prescription eyeglasses if you have any underlying vision issues.

To find out what influence modern living and screen time have on our eyes, we looked at a number of credible sources. We collated this data and imagined how our own eyes will appear in the future if no preventive actions were taken to counteract these impacts. You may get consultation with our optometrist by booking your appointment here.

Dry eyes, blurred vision, red eyes, and headaches are the most common adverse effects.

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